Your Property & Finances
Disputes over money and property factor into many divorces, and they can be equally or even more intense than those involving children. There is no substitute for careful analysis and strategic planning when it comes to emerging from a time of major change in the best financial shape possible.
Whether you have relatively modest assets or significant wealth to divide, one certainty is that divorce will have an impact on your financial situation. It is critical to sit down with a financially savvy, skilled divorce lawyer who has dealt with all types of property scenarios and disputes.
Defending Our Clients' Property Rights And Vital Financial Interests
A high percentage of the divorce cases we handle at the Burch Shepard Family Law Group, involve the division of significant and complex financial assets. Our Newport Beach family law attorneys have represented many high net worth men and women in divorce, dealing with estates in the tens of millions and spousal support awards as high as $35,000 per month.
Our Orange County property division lawyers will be diligent and resourceful as we represent you in matters such as:
- Dividing assets and debts equitably in accordance with your needs and priorities.
- Distinguishing community property from separate property to preserve assets that are rightfully yours alone.
- Decisions involving residential and commercial real estate.
- Division and protection of retirement plans and pensions, as well as other investments.
- Negotiation or litigation to establish spousal support if appropriate.
- Discovery of a spouse's hidden assets — or defense against any allegations that you are not providing the full financial disclosure required by law.
- Accounting for divorce tax issues as you make critical decisions about the best approach to property division, business valuation, real estate sales and other matters.
- Post-divorce modifications made necessary by significant changes in financial circumstances.
Contact Proven Orange County Attorneys To Discuss Financial Concerns
We are committed to helping our clients set realistic expectations and develop clear strategies for getting through divorce as financially intact as possible. We apply extensive knowledge of current case law and negotiating techniques to develop creative solutions for those whose businesses and careers may be even more important financially than assets already earned.
For an initial consultation to discuss your financial situation and the best approach to issues likely to arise in your divorce, call us at (949) 565-4158 today.

What Makes Us Different
Committed To Our Clients
Dedicated To Obtaining Real Results
100+ Years Of Collective Experience
Specialized Knowledge