Protecting The Rights Of Fathers In Different Situations
Immersion in the complex world of California family law brings us into
contact with a diverse range of family configurations, parent-child relationships
and levels of parental involvement. We take pride in our attorneys' collective
decades of success protecting both mothers' rights and fathers' rights
with children's best interests always in view.
Many questions about fathers' rights arise from the common view that our laws and courts favor the mother in some sense. While it would be wrong to state that individual views of family roles never impact divorce and child custody outcomes, California law makes no practical distinctions between mothers' rights and fathers' rights.
Difference-Making Representation For Concerned, Involved Fathers
At the Burch Shepard Family Law Group, our Newport Beach family lawyers operate with a clear conviction — consistent with the law and extensive sociological research — that ongoing, close contact with both parents is best for children under most circumstances.
Every family is unique, however, and our track record of success includes aggressive advocacy for fathers to obtain outcomes, including:
- Joint custody of children — or similarly balanced arrangements such as divided custody that provide for substantial, continuous time with both parents.
- Sole physical and/or legal custody for the father when the mother is incapable of providing sufficient levels of care, support and supervision.
- Innovative child visitation arrangements suited to the fathers' desired level of involvement given a demanding work and travel schedule or other special circumstances.
- Favorable and desirable outcomes in parentage and paternity actions for fathers who wish to establish and maintain a supportive relationship with a child born outside of marriage.
Targeting Positive Outcomes Through Skilled Negotiation Or Litigation
We consistently strive to resolve our cases through reasoned argument and negotiation, but stand ready to litigate with force and credibility when negotiations fail. Parents can turn to us for an informed, honest view of their likelihood of success pursuing any specific custody and visitation arrangement.
If your case calls for an aggressive, strategic Orange County fathers' rights lawyer who has in-depth familiarity with Orange County courts and a reputation for integrity, please call us at (949) 565-4158 and schedule a consultation.

What Makes Us Different
Committed To Our Clients
Dedicated To Obtaining Real Results
100+ Years Of Collective Experience
Specialized Knowledge