Domestic Violence and Child Custody
There is nothing more disturbing than violence against a child, especially by his or her parent. If you believe your child is being abused by your former spouse, there are legal options that you can take immediately. A restraining order can be taken out right away in order to protect your safety and that of your child.
Orange County Child Custody Lawyers
We understand that there are also situations in which you may have been wrongfully accused of domestic abuse by your former spouse. This can seriously affect your child custody agreement or affect you if you are still seeking a divorce and the agreement has not yet been finalized. Children are easily influenced, especially by family members, and can be coerced into believing certain events happened when they really did not. We can help set the record straight in order to preserve the best interests of your child.
At the Burch Shepard Family Law Group, we are focused entirely on divorce and family law representation in the Orange County, California, area. Unfortunately, clients do come to us with cases of domestic violence and child custody. Whether they are being wrongfully accused or they fear for their life and the safety of their child, we can provide immediate legal counsel.
Take action right now. Contact us online to schedule an initial consultation with one of our experienced Newport Beach domestic violence attorneys.
Domestic Abuse Issues Involving Child Custody
Divorce cases can get very complicated and are typically full of high emotions. But no matter how contentious a divorce may become, a child's safety is above all the most important factor. The second you believe that your child is being abused by your former spouse or you are being threatened or physically harmed, you must take legal action.
Options include taking an emergency protective order out on your spouse. The options following that are a temporary restraining order (TRO) and if necessary, a permanent restraining order (up to five years and renewable). Once measures are taken to ensure the safety of you and your child, our attorneys can begin the discussion with you on how this affects your child custody and visitation agreement.
If you are in a situation in which you are facing Burch Shepard Family Law Group accusations, our attorneys will aggressively fight them to clear your name. This is vital to the outcome of a child custody order, and we will do everything we can so that it does not negatively impact your time with your child.
Contact An Orange County Domestic Violence Attorney
Do not wait for help; this could be a matter of life or death. We provide rapid representation for victims of spousal abuse and are more than happy to schedule your consultation at a time most convenient for you.
To schedule an initial consultation with an experienced California divorce lawyer, please contact us at (949) 565-4158.

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