What To Do If Your Ex Won't Let You See Your Child

It's an incredibly painful experience when a relationship ends and even more devastating when it involves child visitation issues. If you find yourself in this heart-wrenching situation where your ex-partner is denying you the right to see your child, it's natural to feel lost, confused, and emotionally drained. However, there are steps you can take to improve the situation and ensure that your child gets the love and care from both parents.

Understanding Your Legal Rights as a Parent

In most cases, both parents have legal rights to maintain a relationship with their child post-separation or divorce, unless a court deems otherwise. It's essential to understand that these rights are not only for the benefit of the parents but more importantly, for the child's well-being. Children usually fare best when they have the emotional and financial support, as well as ongoing involvement, of both parents.

For a better understanding, here are some basic legal rights often granted to parents:

  • The right to physical custody of the child, either part-time or full-time
  • The right to legal custody, which means making significant decisions about the child's upbringing and welfare
  • The right to regular visitation or parenting time
  • The right to attend school or extracurricular events, medical appointments, and any important milestones in the child's life
  • The right to access the child's school and medical records

If your ex-partner is denying your visitation or parenting time, it's advisable to consult with a knowledgeable family law attorney who can guide you through the process. An attorney can help protect your rights and ensure you take the appropriate legal steps. This may include filing a motion in court to enforce the visitation order or, if there is no court order in place, filing a petition to establish one.

Steps to Avoid when Denied Visitation Rights

During the emotionally charged process of securing your visitation rights, it is crucial to maintain a level head and avoid actions that could potentially harm your case.

Here are some common mistakes you should steer clear of when you're denied visitation rights:

  • Reacting aggressively or violently: You might be understandably angry or upset if your ex-partner denies you the right to see your child. However, reacting aggressively or violently will not only escalate the conflict but could also harm your legal case and, most importantly, your child's emotional well-being.
  • Violating the existing court order: If you have a court order that grants you visitation rights and your ex-partner disobeys it, don't retaliate by violating other provisions of the order. This could include withholding child support payments or taking the child without the other parent's knowledge or consent.
  • Taking matters into your own hands: It could be tempting to resolve the issue yourself without involving the courts. However, this approach might end up complicating the situation even further, especially if it involves moving the child out of state without the court's permission.

Steps to Take When Your Visitation Rights Are Denied

In case your ex-partner continues to deny you visitation rights even after following the court order or agreeing upon a schedule, it's essential to take swift and appropriate action.

Here are some steps you can take:

  • Firstly, document any instances of denied visitation meticulously. This documentation could include text messages, emails, or call logs detailing your attempts to see your child and your ex's responses. This evidence could be invaluable when presenting your case in court.
  • Secondly, communicate with your ex-partner calmly and respectfully. Let them know that you understand the importance of your child having a relationship with both parents and that you're willing to cooperate and compromise to make this happen. If your conversations become unproductive or hostile, consider involving a neutral third party, like a mediator, to facilitate more effective communication.
  • Last but not least, seek legal advice. A family law attorney can help navigate the complexities of your situation, advise you on the best course of action, and represent you in court, if necessary. Remember, the ultimate goal is to ensure your child's well-being and maintain your parental bond, and it's crucial to approach the situation in a way that supports these objectives.

How to Document Denial of Child Visitation

Documenting instances of denied visitation is a critical step when addressing issues with a non-compliant ex-partner. This documentation serves as evidence of the problem and can be presented in court if necessary. Therefore, it's vital to be thorough and accurate in maintaining these records.

Here are some tips on how to document denial of child visitation effectively:

  • Maintain a visitation journal: Keep a record of all scheduled visitations, including dates and times. Make a note of instances where the visitation was denied, the reason given (if any), and any other relevant details. This journal can serve as a factual account of your efforts to maintain a relationship with your child and any obstacles put in your way.
  • Preserve relevant communication: Keep track of all communication with your ex-partner. This includes text messages, emails, voicemails, or even written letters that pertain to the visitation schedule. These communication records can be particularly useful in demonstrating your attempts to exercise your visitation rights and any resistance you've encountered.
  • Witnesses: If possible, involve a neutral third party when visitation is denied. This person can serve as a witness to the denial and may be called upon to provide a statement if the case goes to court.

In addition to documenting, it's crucial to keep a calm demeanor throughout the process. While the situation can be frustrating and emotionally taxing, any display of anger or aggression could be used against you in the court. If you're feeling overwhelmed, it can be helpful to seek support from family, friends, or professional counselors who can provide guidance and a listening ear.

How Mediation Can Help in Child Custody Disputes

Mediation in child custody disputes can be an effective tool for resolving conflicts and fostering a cooperative environment for the parents. It involves a neutral third party, the mediator, who facilitates open communication between the disputing parties with the ultimate goal of reaching an agreement that prioritizes the child's best interest. It is a confidential process, which can help create a safe space for parents to openly discuss their concerns and aspirations regarding their child's future.

Here are some benefits of mediation in resolving child custody disputes:

  • Reduced conflict: Mediators are trained professionals who use conflict resolution techniques to reduce tension and hostility between the parents. Their role is not to take sides, but rather to guide the conversation in a constructive manner.
  • Focus on the child: Mediation encourages parents to focus on the child's needs and best interests rather than their own grievances. This can help parents develop a mutual understanding and collaborative parenting plan.
  • Preservation of parental relationship: Since mediation is less adversarial than court proceedings, it can help preserve a respectful relationship between parents, which is essential for effective co-parenting.
  • Cost-effective and time-saving: Mediation can be less expensive and quicker than traditional court proceedings, making it a practical choice for many families.

It's important to remember that mediation may not be the best solution for all cases, especially those involving domestic violence or severe power imbalances between the parents. In such instances, court intervention may be necessary to protect the safety and well-being of the child and the disadvantaged parent. Always consult with a family law attorney to understand the best course of action for your specific situation.

Legal Recourse: Filing a Motion to Enforce Visitation

If your ex-partner continues to deny your visitation rights despite your best efforts to resolve the issue amicably, it may be necessary to take legal recourse. One option is to file a motion to enforce visitation with the court that issued the original custody and visitation order. This motion essentially asks the court to enforce the existing order and penalize the other parent for their non-compliance.

When filing a motion to enforce visitation, it's crucial to provide ample evidence to support your case. This is where your careful documentation of denied visitations can be incredibly beneficial. Evidence such as text messages, emails, call logs, and your visitation journal can substantiate your claims. An experienced family law attorney can guide you through the process, ensuring that your motion is filed correctly and that you're well-prepared for any court proceedings.

At Burch Shepard Family Law Group, we understand the emotional toll of being denied visitation with your child. Our experienced attorneys can provide you with compassionate and knowledgeable legal representation, helping you navigate the complexities of California family law.

If you're facing visitation issues with your ex-partner, don't hesitate to reach out online or call us at (949) 565-4158. We're here to support you through this difficult time and ensure that your rights as a parent are protected. 
