5 Steps to Take If You Are Unhappy in Your Marriage

Marriage, like any meaningful commitment, comes with its highs and lows. It's not uncommon to encounter periods of dissatisfaction or unhappiness. If you're currently experiencing this, it's important to remember that it's okay to feel this way and that you're not alone. Many couples experience similar challenges, and whether you ultimately decide to remain with your spouse or want to go in a different direction, there are proactive steps you can take to help work through your feelings and decide how to proceed.

In this blog post, we'll explore five steps to help navigate the rough waters of marital discontent.

Step 1: Find Clarity About Your Feelings

The first step in navigating marital unhappiness is to understand your own feelings. This involves a deep and honest self-assessment. Are you consistently unhappy or are these feelings temporary, linked to specific events or situations? Try to pinpoint the sources of your dissatisfaction. Is it due to unmet expectations, changes in your relationship dynamic, external stressors, or perhaps deeper, unresolved issues?

It’s crucial during this stage to maintain a clear head and be objective. Remember, it's not about blaming yourself or your spouse, but understanding your emotions and where they're coming from. Acknowledge your part in the situation, which might include actions you've taken, reactions you've had, or needs you've not communicated.

This clarity is essential as it lays the foundation for all the steps that follow. It helps you articulate your feelings to your spouse and professionals you may consult later. It also aids in deciding whether reconciliation or change is possible, or if considering a separation is the best course of action.

During this process, consider writing your thoughts down in a journal or speaking with a trusted friend or family member. This practice can provide an outlet for your emotions and further aid in gaining clarity. Remember, this step is about understanding your feelings, so take the time you need to explore them fully.

Step 2: Communicate with Your Spouse

Once you have a clear understanding of your feelings, it's time to share them with your spouse. Open, honest, and respectful communication is the cornerstone of any relationship, especially a marital one. It's crucial to create a safe space where both you and your spouse can express your feelings without fear of judgment or retaliation.

When discussing your feelings with your spouse, remember to focus on your emotions and experiences rather than assigning blame. Use "I" statements, such as "I feel…" or "I experienced…", which can help prevent your spouse from feeling attacked or defensive. Be as specific as possible about what is causing your unhappiness and try to avoid generalizations.

Remember, this conversation isn't about winning or losing, but about understanding each other better and exploring possible solutions together. Likely, your spouse may also have feelings or concerns they wish to share. Listen to them with the same respect and openness you hope to receive.

Approaching these conversations can be challenging, especially if the issues at hand are sensitive. Consider choosing a neutral location and a calm time to talk. Make sure both of you are in a state of mind to have a productive conversation. You might even want to rehearse what you want to say beforehand or write down key points you want to address.

Finally, keep in mind that these conversations may not resolve everything instantly. It's okay if all the issues don't get resolved in one discussion. The goal is to start the dialogue, understand each other better, and work towards a common solution.

Step 3: Seek Professional Counseling

If open communication doesn't lead to resolution or if the issues are too complex to handle alone, you may want to consider seeking professional help. Before taking any legal steps, engaging with a marriage counselor or therapist can provide a neutral and safe space for both parties to express their feelings and concerns.

Here's how professional guidance can be beneficial:

  • Neutral facilitation: A trained therapist can facilitate effective communication between you and your spouse, helping both of you understand each other's perspectives better.
  • Conflict resolution: They can provide strategies and tools to manage conflict and improve relationship skills.
  • Emotional support: Therapists can help foster emotional connection, which is often strained in situations of marital unhappiness.

When it comes to finding the right counselor or therapist, here are some tips:

  • Ask for recommendations: You could ask trusted friends, family, or healthcare providers for recommendations.
  • Research qualifications and expertise: Make sure to look into potential therapists' qualifications, areas of expertise, and approaches to therapy.
  • Schedule a preliminary session: It might be helpful to have an initial session to see if you feel comfortable with them and their style.

Remember, seeking professional help is not a sign of failure, but rather a proactive step towards understanding and resolution. Many couples have found that with time and effort, counseling can significantly improve their marriages and their overall happiness.

Step 4: Consult with a Divorce Lawyer

If, despite your best efforts, you find that your marital unhappiness persists and you're considering separation or divorce, it's time to consult with a divorce lawyer. This step doesn't necessarily mean you're committing to a divorce, but rather equipping yourself with the necessary information to make informed decisions.

A divorce lawyer can explain your legal rights in a divorce, which can vary depending on your location, length of marriage, children, and property involved. They can help you understand any obligations you might have, such as alimony, child support, or division of assets and debts. Divorce involves complex legal processes that a lawyer can help you navigate, ensuring you're making the right moves at the right time.

During a consultation with a divorce lawyer, you can expect the following:

  • Discussion of your situation: The lawyer will want to understand your situation in detail. Be prepared to discuss your marriage, children, finances, and reasons for wanting a divorce.
  • Legal advice: Based on your situation, the lawyer will provide legal advice and potential strategies.
  • Explanation of the process: The lawyer will walk you through the divorce process, including filing the petition, serving your spouse, financial disclosures, and court proceedings.

Understanding your legal rights and obligations is crucial when considering a divorce. It helps you foresee potential challenges and outcomes and ensures you are prepared for what lies ahead. Remember, consulting a divorce lawyer is about gathering information and understanding your options, allowing you to make the best decision for your future.

Step 5: Make Informed Decisions

After going through the previous steps, you should have a better understanding of your feelings, your spouse's perspective, professional advice from therapists, and legal insights from a divorce lawyer. Now, it's time to assess all this information and make an informed decision.

Making this decision isn't about choosing between staying unhappily married or getting a divorce. It's about deciding what's best for your well-being and future. It could mean giving your marriage another chance with renewed effort, seeking marital therapy, pursuing a trial separation, or proceeding with a divorce.

Before making a final decision, consider the potential consequences of divorce, both emotionally and legally:

  • Emotional impact: Divorce can be emotionally draining. It signifies the end of a significant relationship and can bring feelings of loss, loneliness, and fear of the unknown.
  • Legal consequences: Legally, divorce can affect your finances, living situation, and parenting (if you have children). You may need to divide assets, figure out alimony or child support, and establish a new living arrangement.
  • Impact on children: If you have children, consider how a divorce might impact them. While it can be difficult, many children adjust well over time, especially if their parents handle the situation appropriately.

Remember, it's important to take your time during this stage. Make sure you're not acting on impulse or emotions alone. Consult with trusted individuals in your life—friends, family, therapists, or legal professionals—to ensure that your decision is well thought out. This step is about respecting your well-being and future, so choose the path that aligns with your needs and aspirations.

When and if you're ready to take the step of leaving your marriage, Burch Shepard Family Law Group is here to see you through this difficult process. Our experienced family lawyers can provide the support, guidance, and legal expertise you need to make informed decisions and secure a brighter future.

We know how hard it can be to decide whether your marital unhappiness is lasting or temporary, something to be endured or escaped. Whatever you decide, it's important that you feel empowered, supported, and in control of your future. Our team is here to help you achieve this.

To learn more about our services or to schedule a consultation, contact us online or call us at (949) 565-4158
