Filing for divorce can be a liberating feeling for those who have been in an unhappy marriage. Even though you feel emotionally single, you should still proceed with caution if you are thinking about jumping back into the dating scene. The divorce is not over yet – you still have to settle important issues and cooperate with your spouse. Dating can open up a whole new set of issues, so it is critical that you consider the consequences and how it can impact your case.
How dating can potentially affect you and your divorce case:
- Children may feel neglected: Divorce can be emotional, particularly for young children. They may want additional support and attention from you, and may view your dating partner as a threat to the family. Adding a new person into the equation can often cause more confusion and stress for children.
- Conflicts with your ex: Even in amicable splits, dating can potentially cause feelings of jealousy or resentment between spouses. A spouse can accuse the other of adultery or even act out irrationally during the divorce.
- Custody and parenting time: Your children may be reluctant to spend time with you if they are uncomfortable with your new dating partner. Your spouse can also find ways to question your parenting abilities if you are spending excessive time with your new love interest and neglecting your children.
- Child support and spousal support: If you are sharing expenses with your new partner or spending an excessive amount on them, this can negatively affect your spousal support and child support cases.
- If you or your partner becomes pregnant: This can cause additional delays in your case because you will need to verity paternity and sort out custody and support arrangements for the unborn baby.
Ultimately, the decision is up to you whether you want to begin a new relationship or not. Be sure to discuss your particular situation with your attorney to understand how it can impact your divorce case and how to proceed. At Burch Shepard Family Law Group, our Newport Beach divorce attorneys are dedicated to providing knowledgeable and personalized representation. We have handled a wide range of contested and uncontested divorces, and can offer essential support throughout your case.
We offer initial consultations, so contact us to learn more.