Reliable statistics on domestic violence are hard to come by because not all incidents of this type of violence are reported. Usually, a number of domestic violence cases go unreported because the victims are often too scared to talk about what is going on with an outsider or with the authorities for fear that this will expose them to even more violence. The problem with this is that individuals who are experiencing domestic violence sometimes never get the help they need to fully exit the situation.
All domestic violence matters are different in California, especially given the state's large military population. Domestic violence as it relates to military personnel/veterans is distinct in many ways. For example, the domestic violence usually stems from a soldier that returns from active duty in a war zone and has suffered some type of trauma. Studies as well as statistics have shown that this trauma whether it is posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) or some other type of neurological based injury, has led to increased rates of domestic violence among those in the military. In these cases, the abuse may be even more brutal because there is not the typical escalation of violence but rather an explosion of violence.
Even in these types of domestic violence cases, the courts still have the ability to legally protect the victim and the families involved if the violence is reported in a timely manner. Understandably, the threat to the victim of more physical abuse and the emotional toll that domestic violence takes on the abused makes it difficult to find the strength to go to police or the courts. However, when victims do report the violence, the courts can issue a protective order to ensure that the victim and any affected family members are legally protected.
Whether the domestic violence is civilian or military in nature, the courts still have the power to aid the victims in an effort to put a stop to the situation.