Many people getting divorced worry about the impact alimony will have on their future finances. Whether you are likely to pay alimony to your ex or will be receiving spousal support, both sides often wonder how alimony will be determined and if it will ever be modified or terminated.
It can be helpful for divorced couples in California to be aware of divorce trends across the country as more states are pushing for alimony reform. A few states have already revised alimony laws, with the biggest change ending permanent alimony in many cases.
Florida was the most recent state to try and pass alimony reform. A proposed bill would have ended permanent alimony for divorced spouses in the state. However, the governor vetoed the bill at the last minute. The governor said he vetoed the bill to protect stay-at-home parents and individuals who have already planned their budget and financial goals under current alimony guidelines.
Alimony reform has become a big issue for many divorced spouses in the United States. Many individuals say permanent alimony obligations have made it difficult to continue supporting themselves and their new spouses after getting remarried. Many women are also being required to pay alimony to their exes as more women are earning more money than their husbands.
Alimony laws are set in place to help spouses have some financial security after getting divorced. Our article on alimony talks about the intended purposes of alimony and the impact it has on both spouses after a divorce.
Like we said before, it can be very helpful for divorced individuals or spouses thinking about divorce to be aware of current alimony reform trends and efforts as it could have an impact on their divorce case.